Meet the Team...
The Queanbeyan Show is brought to life by a passionate team of volunteers who pour their hearts into making this event a success year after year. These dedicated individuals aren't just organizers—they're locals who deeply love their town and community. Driven by a shared commitment to celebrating the best of Queanbeyan, they work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring every detail is perfect. From planning exciting attractions to preserving cherished traditions, the team's enthusiasm and hard work shine through in every aspect of the show. Their passion is what makes the Queanbeyan Show more than just an event—it’s a true celebration of community spirit and pride ✨
Josh Williams
Entertainment & Sponsorship Steward
Entertainment & Sponsorship Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Grace Black
Vice President
Vice President
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Millie McInnes
Horse Section & Young Woman Steward
Horse Section & Young Woman Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
In 1996 I competed at my very first Queanbeyan Show on a pony that my Nan Mac had bought for me- his name was Frenchie and I was only 9months old. Then in 2019 our 1st daughter competed at her first Queanbeyan Show on a pony called Barney- she was only 9months old too! She is now 5 and has 2 little sisters who also love attending the Queanbeyan Show every year with their ponies. The way my girls light up with excitement as they see the horses, rides and other kids means everything to me. Being a part of that, helping to make those moments happen, fills me with pride and joy- that's why I volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show.
In 1996 I competed at my very first Queanbeyan Show on a pony that my Nan Mac had bought for me- his name was Frenchie and I was only 9months old. Then in 2019 our 1st daughter competed at her first Queanbeyan Show on a pony called Barney- she was only 9months old too! She is now 5 and has 2 little sisters who also love attending the Queanbeyan Show every year with their ponies. The way my girls light up with excitement as they see the horses, rides and other kids means everything to me. Being a part of that, helping to make those moments happen, fills me with pride and joy- that's why I volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show.
Bill Lilley
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Tristan Kilpatrick
Committee Member
Trade Space & Mini Goat Steward
Committee Member
Trade Space & Mini Goat Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Ali Kilpatrick
Committee Member
Social Media & Marketing Coordinator
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
I volunteer at the show to give back to the community. Bringing a smile to everyone's face when they come to a good old country show is worth the time and effort. Proud to be apart of amazing team who brings the show together.
I volunteer at the show to give back to the community. Bringing a smile to everyone's face when they come to a good old country show is worth the time and effort. Proud to be apart of amazing team who brings the show together.
Susan Camm
Committee Member
Committee Member
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
The Queanbeyan Show unites the whole community in a fun-filled weekend. For some, it’s a time when they get to show their hidden talents in a variety of arts and crafts, baking, photography and even Lego building. For some, it’s the first time they realise where an egg comes from. For me, as a volunteer, it’s the pure satisfaction of seeing that joy and unity come to fruition.
The Queanbeyan Show unites the whole community in a fun-filled weekend. For some, it’s a time when they get to show their hidden talents in a variety of arts and crafts, baking, photography and even Lego building. For some, it’s the first time they realise where an egg comes from. For me, as a volunteer, it’s the pure satisfaction of seeing that joy and unity come to fruition.
Hayleigh Duvall
Committee Member
Cattle Steward
Committee Member
Cattle Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Catherine Allen
Committee Member
Horse Section & Young Woman Steward
Committee Member
Horse Section & Young Woman Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
To support my local agricultural community and bring a part of the city and country together.
To support my local agricultural community and bring a part of the city and country together.
Fred Zarb
Committee Member
Committee Member
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Matty Casey
Committee Member
Showground Operations Team
Committee Member
Showground Operations Team
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
I volunteer at the show to give back to my community. Queanbeyan is where I grew up and seeing the smiles on young kids faces on show day is something special, and it’s something special to say I helped achieve that.
I volunteer at the show to give back to my community. Queanbeyan is where I grew up and seeing the smiles on young kids faces on show day is something special, and it’s something special to say I helped achieve that.
Taylah Brooks-Stanford
Committee Member
Showground Operations Team
Committee Member
Showground Operations Team
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
I volunteer at the Queanbeyan show because I want to support and continue the tradition of agricultural shows across Australia. I also love to see the community come together and enjoy parts of agriculture that many people do not have the opportunity to be apart of and experience regularly. Also, it's amazing to see all the happy, smiling faces and know that I was apart of creating them.
I volunteer at the Queanbeyan show because I want to support and continue the tradition of agricultural shows across Australia. I also love to see the community come together and enjoy parts of agriculture that many people do not have the opportunity to be apart of and experience regularly. Also, it's amazing to see all the happy, smiling faces and know that I was apart of creating them.
Janice Moore
Committee Member
Pavilion Steward
Committee Member
Pavilion Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
Isaac Mannion
Show Member
Yard Dog Steward
Show Member
Yard Dog Steward
Why do you volunteer at the Queanbeyan Show?
My little girls love riding their ponies at the show every year and it's great to be able to bring the show to the rest of the Queanbeyan community.
My little girls love riding their ponies at the show every year and it's great to be able to bring the show to the rest of the Queanbeyan community.